"'Buffalo Bill has been ambushed and badly shot this side of Clayton, and Thorndike the scout, too; Bill couldn't travel, but Thorndike could, and he brought the news, and Sergeant Wilkes and six men of Company B are gone, two hours ago, hotfoot, to get Bill.
I couldn't leave her to fetch help, on account of the wolves.
I feel as if I couldn't be I --as if I must have changed into somebody else and couldn't get used to it.
But I knew how I ought to decide--and I couldn't face it.
I couldn't have made you feel my love; I couldn't have told you what I felt for you.
I put it down there and covered it up, and when I came back it was gone....It was because I was so very miserable, Dinah...I didn't know where to go...and I tried to kill myself before, and I couldn't. Oh, I tried so to drown myself in the pool, and I couldn't.
couldn't let her live in those circumstances -- I simply
The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I
couldn't stand it no longer I lit out.
It made me homesick to look around over this proud and gaudy but heartless barrenness and remember that in our house in East Hartford, all unpretending as it was, you
couldn't go into a room but you would find an insurance-chromo, or at least a three-color God-Bless-Our-Home over the door; and in the parlor we had nine.
I tried to, but I
couldn't do it, any more than I could change yours.
He looks as if he simply
couldn't fail one." I admitted that this was very true, especially at sea.
We could hear Benny stirring around in her room, which was next to ourn, and judged she was worried a good deal about her father and
couldn't sleep.